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Request for information technology expertise

The SMARTER Finance for EU (SMARTER4EU) programme aims to improve European citizens' health, comfort, financial well-being, and energy security by supporting banks, residential investors, and solution providers with best-in-class green homes and green mortgage programs. A critical component of this initiative is to create an online registry of residential building projects listing projects that have achieved exemplary energy and other green performance criteria.   Building projects will be included from multiple European countries.

To ensure this registry of projects is fit-for-purpose and can be relied upon by all intended stakeholders, the SMARTER4EU Team is seeking offers of technical expertise to analyze the specific needs of the project then provide recommendations including: 

1. the best technical approach to utilize “off the shelf” solutions or a custom developed solution.

2. advice on possible uses of blockchain and/or other technical solutions to ensure the project registry can be relied upon by a variety of external stakeholders.

Familiarity with the building industry and green building approaches and certifications will be useful but is not required to submit an offer for provision of expertise. Interested persons or companies should send by 27 February 2025 a CV or list of company capabilities highlighting requested experience and information on your hourly fees for work lasting approximately 1 to 2 weeks of work effort occurring between 3 March 2025 to 20 March 2025  to  Work will be led by the Irish Green Building Council out of their Dublin office but can be remote provided it is delivered from an entity domiciled in the European Union.

Questions on the planned work can be posed in the comment section of this post.


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EU funding information

The SMARTER4EU project has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE Clean Energy Transition Programme under grant agreement no. 101121060

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